Uppsala University
Schedule, Spring 2018
Time: Thursdays at 10.15-12.00 Venue: ENG 3-2028 The seminars are conducted in English. For more information and readings, contact mats.hyvonen@antro.uu.se Schedule, spring 2016 Schedule, fall 2016 Schedule, spring 2017 Schedule, fall 2017 Schedule, spring 2018 [this page] Schedule, fall 2018 Schedule, spring 2019 Schedule, fall 2019 Schedule, spring 2020
ENGAGING VULNERABILITY‘s spring seminar series will focus on selected works by professor Robert Bernasconi and professor Tom Shakespeare, who will be in Uppsala in April as part of the EV Distinguished Visiting Scholars Program.
Robert Bernasconi, Edwin Erle Sparks Professor of Philosophy and African American Studies, Pennsylvania State University. Link to Professor Bernasconi’s webpage
Tom Shakespeare, Professor of Disability Research, University of East Anglia. Link to Professor Shakespeare’s webpage
Schedule, spring 2018
Thursday February 1, at 10.15-12.00, ENG 3-2028
- Bernasconi, R. (2001). Who Invented the Concept of Race? Kant’s Role in the Enlightenment Construction of Race. In R. Bernasconi (Ed.), Race. Oxford: Blackwell Publishers.
- Kant, I. (2001/1788). On the Use of Teleological Principles in Philosophy. In R. Bernasconi (Ed.), Race. Oxford: Blackwell Publishers.
Thursday February 15, at 10.15-12.00, ENG 3-2028
- Fanon, F. (2001/1951). The Lived Experience of the Black. In R. Bernasconi (Ed.), Race. Oxford: Blackwell Publishers.
- Alcoff, L. M. (2001). Toward a Phenomenology of Racial Embodiment. In R. Bernasconi (Ed.), Race. Oxford: Blackwell Publishers.
- Bernasconi, R. (2001). The Invisibility of Racial Minorities in the Public Realm of Appearances. In R. Bernasconi (Ed.), Race. Oxford: Blackwell Publishers.
Thursday March 8, at 10.15-12.00, ENG 3-2028
- Bernasconi, R. (2002). Emmanuel Levinas: The Phenomenology of Sociality and the Ethics of Alterity. In J. J. Drummond & L. Embree (Eds.), Phenomenological Approaches to Moral Philosophy. Dordrecht: Springer.
- Bernasconi, R. (2005). Levinas and the Struggle for Existence. In E. S. Nelson, A. Kapust & K. Still (Eds.), Addressing Levinas. Evanston Ill.: Northwestern University Press
Thursday March 22, at 10.15-12.00, ENG 3-2028
- Shakespeare, T. (2010). Choices, Reasons and Feelings: Prenatal Diagnosis as Disability Dilemma. In European Journal of Disability Research, 5, 37–43.
- Shakespeare, T. (2015). Labels and badges: the relationship between diagnosis and identity for disability and neurodiversity communities. [Originally published in Norwegian as Merkelapper og emblemer: relasjonen mellom diagnose og identitet for funksjonshemming og nevrodiverse samfunn. In P. Kermit et al. (Eds.), Utviklings-Hemming: hverdagsliv, levekår og politik. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget.]
- Shakespeare, T. Nasty, Brutish, and Short? On the Predicament of Disability and Embodiment. In J. Bickenbach, F. Felder & B. Scmitz (Eds.), Disability and the Good Human Life. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
English Park Campus – Centre for the humanities: http://www.engelskaparken.uu.se/?languageId=1