Past events

Symposium: Changing Epistemologies and Life

Symposium and Roundtable Discussion,  Uppsala University, 7 October 2016

This public symposium gathered a group of internationally renowned anthropologists with long-time affiliations to the Department of Cultural Anthropology and Ethnology, Uppsala University. In building on the scholarly work and academic legacy of retiring Professor Hugh Beach, symposium participants accepted to revisit anthropological epistemologies of ethnicity-related phenomena and/or the topic of human-animal-nature-culture relations. In tandem with the contributions of the symposium speakers, a public roundtable discussion was organized, with academics and activists, reflecting Professor Hugh Beach’s many years of involvement with applied anthropology.  Download the detailed program here.

In the video below you can watch Don Kulick’s talk titled “Human-Animal Communication”.

To watch more talks from the symposium and also the roundtable, please visit the Anthropology department’s website at Uppsala University.