Books and Edited Collections
2023 | Karl Ekeman. In Want of a Sovereign: Metapolitics and the Populist Formation of the Alt-Right. (Uppsala University, Disciplinary Domain of Humanities and Social Sciences, Faculty of Arts, Department of Literature, Rhetoric. Engaging Vulnerability.) | |
2023 | Carolien Hulshof. Walking the Line: Female Wedding Ngoma in Zanzibar. (Uppsala University, Disciplinary Domain of Humanities and Social Sciences, Faculty of Arts, Department of Musicology.) | |
2023 | Adelaida Caballero. Shortchanged: Elderly Women Street Vendors in Malabo, Equatorial Guinea. (Uppsala: Department of Cultural Anthropology and Ethnology, Uppsala University.) | |
2023 | Kasper Kristensen. Spinoza on Ethical Cultivation: An Analysis of Vulnerability, Empowerment, and Early Modern Cultura Animi. (Uppsala: Department of Philosophy, Uppsala University). | |
2023 | Rikard Engblom. Time Warps: Refugees and the Experience of Waiting in Rural Sweden. (Uppsala: Department of Cultural Anthropology and Ethnology, Uppsala University). | |
2022 | Macario Lacbawan. The Burden of Responsibility: Predicaments of Environmental Life in the Caraballo Mountains, Northern Philippines. (Uppsala: Department of Cultural Anthropology and Ethnology, Uppsala University). | |
2022 | Mahmoud Keshavarz & Shahram Khosravi. Seeing Like a Smuggler: Borders from Below. London: Pluto Press. | |
2022 | Jenny Bergenmar & Maria Karlsson. Lagerlöfs läsare. Allmänhetens brev till Selma Lagerlöf 1891–1940. Stockholm: Makadam. Kriterium vol. 39: Open Access | |
2021 | Adam Ferner & Chris Meyns. The Philosophers’ Library: Books that Shaped the World. London: Quarto. | |
2021 | Mirko Pasquini. The Negotiation of Urgency: Economies of Attention in an Italian Emergency Room. (Uppsala: Department of Cultural Anthropology and Ethnology, Uppsala University). | |
2021 | Sharon Rider, Den tveksamme bekännaren och andra essäer. Hedemora: Gidlund. | |
2021 | Chris Meyns (ed.) Information and the History of Philosophy. Routledge. | |
2015 | Don Kulick & Jens Rydström. Loneliness and its Opposite: Sex, Disability and the Ethics of Engagement. Durham and London: Duke University Press. Swedish translation: Sex och funktionshinder i Danmark och Sverige: hur man hjälper och hur man stjälper (Lund: Studentlitteratur, 2022). |
2021 | Kristian Sandbekk Norsted. Subjects of Feminism: The Production and Practice of Anxiety in a Swedish Activist Community. (Uppsala: Department of Cultural Anthropology and Ethnology, Uppsala University). | |
2020 | Sharon Rider, Michael A. Peters, Mats Hyvönen & Tina Besley (eds.) World Class Universities: A Contested Concept. Singapore: Springer. | |
2020 | Michael Gustavsson & Mats Hyvönen (eds). Utsatt eller insatt: Plats, kunskap & kultur. Engaging Vulnerability & Kulturreservatets Folkhögskola. | |
2020 | Margareta Dancus, Mats Hyvönen & Maria Karlsson (eds.) Vulnerability in Scandinavian Art and Culture. London and New York: Palgrave Macmillan. | |
2019 | Don Kulick. A Death in the Rainforest: How a Language and a Way of Life Came to an End in Papua New Guinea. Chapel Hill, NC: Algonquin Books. Translated into Polish as Śmierć w lesie deszczowym: ostatnie spotkanie z językiem i kulturą, translated by Aleksandra Czwojdrak, Jagiellonian University Press, 2020. Audio book issued by HighBridge Audio, 2020. Japanese and Chinese translations in process. |
2019 | Don Kulick. A Grammar and Dictionary of Tayap: The Life and Death of a Papuan Language. Boston, MA: Mouton De Gruyter. | |
2018 | Mahmoud Keshavarz. The Design Politics of the Passport: Materiality, Immobility, and Dissent. London: Bloomsbury. | |
2018 | Michael A. Peters, Sharon Rider, Mats Hyvönen & Tina Besley (eds.) Post-Truth, Fake News: Viral Modernity & Higher Education. Singapore: Springer. | |
2017 | Alexander Stagnell, Louise Schou Therkildsen & Mats Rosengren (eds.) Can a person be illegal? Refugees, Migrants and Citizenship in Europe. Uppsala: Uppsala Rhetorical Studies. | |
2017 | Konstellationer. Festskrift till Anna Williams, eds. Alexandra Borg, Andreas Hedberg, Maria Karlsson, Jerry Määttä & Åsa Warnqvist. Möklinta: Gidlunds. | |
2017 | Maria Karlsson & Åse Hedemark (eds). Unga läser. Läsning, normer och demokrati [Young People Read. Reading, Norms and Democracy]. Möklinta: Gidlunds. |
Special Issues
2020 | Jonas Harvard, Mats Hyvönen & Ingela Wadbring (eds.) Journalism from Above: Drones, the Media, and the Transformation of Journalistic Practice. Special issue for Media and Communication, 8(3). | |
2020 | E. Björgvinsson, N. de Genova, M. Keshavarz & T. Wulia (eds.) Art & Migration. Re-Making the World: Human Mobility, Border Violence, and Security Markets. Special Issue for PARSE Journal. | |
2018 | D. Abdullah, A. Ansari, E. Canli, M. Keshavarz, P. Kiem, P. Oliveira, L. Prado & T. Schultz (eds.) Decolonizing Design. Special Issue for Design and Culture, 10(1). |
Articles and Book Chapters
In press | Sharon Rider. Where Do We Stand? (Or, How to Do Something in Particular). In: M. Peters & T. Meier (eds.), Civilizational Collapse and Post-Apocalyptic Survival. Peter Lang. |
2024 | Sharon Rider. Thinking Plurality. Academic Leadership, Precarious Institutions And Collegial Bodies as Member States in an Epistemic Union. In: T. Fitzgerald, H.M. Gunter & J. Nixon (Eds.), Intellectual leadership, higher education and precarious times. Bloomsbury Academic Publishers |
2023 | Jonas Harvard & Mats Hyvönen. Gateway Visuals: Strategies of Climate Photographers in the Digital Age. Visual Communication Quarterly. |
2023 | Sharon Rider. Behind the ivory façade: Capitalism, the post-truth condition, and epistemic authority. In: L. Leišytė, J. Dee and B. der Meulen (Eds.), Research Handbook on the Transformation of Higher Education. Edward Elgar Publishers. |
2023 | Mats Hyvönen & Sharon Rider. Fake News, Handbook of the Anthropocene: Humans between Heritage and Future, eds. N. Wallenhorst & C. Wulf. Cham: Springer. |
2023 | Ida Grönroos. Records of neglect: the signifcance of archives in redress processes, Archival Science. |
2023 | Jonas Harvard & Mats Hyvönen. Northern Landscapes With a Story. The Affordances of the Aerial View in Environmental Photography. In Disturbed Ecologies: Geopolitics and the Northern Landscape in the Era of Environmental Crisis, eds. D. White, J. Peck & C. Goldie. New York: Columbia University Press. |
2022 | Arvid Lundberg. Defeat as a Form of Reflexivity: Democracy Activists and the Failed Arab Spring in Jordan. Condition humaine / Conditions politiques: International Journal of Political Anthropology, 4, 2022. |
2022 | Don Kulick. Recension av boken Den Övre Luftens Gudar—hur en grupp nytänkande antropologer förändrade vår syn på ras och kön, av Charles King. Respons 4/5, s. 90-92. |
2022 | Sharon Rider. Epistemic Equilibrium and Symbolic Spontaneity: A Response to Steve Fuller. Educational Philosophy and Theory, 25 October 2022. |
2022 | Sharon Rider. The University as Honest Broker. In: S.S.E. Bengtssen & R. E. Gildersleeve (eds.), Transformation of the University: Hopeful Futures for Higher Education. Routledge. |
2022 | Don Kulick. Cool hand Don. Cultural Anthropology. Read article |
2022 | Rikard Engblom. Integration i ord och handling. In Polarisering och samexistens: Kulturella förändringar i vår tid, edited by M. Zackariasson, M. Öhlander & O. Pripp. Stockholm: Boréa Bokförlag. |
2022 | Sharon Rider. The Experience Economy: A Defense of the Epistemic Commons. In: E. Bengtson, K. Ekeman, M. Gorgis, L. S. Therkildsen & Alexander Stagnell (Eds.), Shadows in the Cave. Revisiting Rosengren’s Doxology. Retorikförlaget. |
2022 | Don Kulick. Butler and political (in)correctness. In Philosophy on Fieldwork: case studies in anthropological analysis, edited by Nils Bubandt and Thomas Schwartz Wenter. London: Routledge, pp. 118-137. |
2022 | Sharon Rider. Medice, Cura te Ipsum: On Hyperbole, Hubris and Hypocrisy in Public Discourse, Educational Philosophy and Theory, Jan. 2022. |
2022 | Kasper Kristensen. Recension av Spinoza och jag av Rebecca Goldstein, Filosofisk tidskrift, 2020/3. |
2022 | Don Kulick. The sociolinguistics of responsibility. In Struggles for Multilingualism and Linguistic Citizenship, edited by Q. Williams, A. Deumert & T.M. Bristol, Blue Ridge Summit: Multilingual Matters, 2022. |
2022 | Axel Rudolphi. In a Tentacled Neighbor’s Garden. Differens magazine, 2, spring 2022. |
2022 | Don Kulick. “Stop thinking you know what to expect”. In Kritiska blickar från marginalen: Reflektioner i spåren av Jens Rydström, edited by Andrés Brink Pinto, Lund |
2022 | Sharon Rider. Demokratins villkor eller villkorad demokrati? Om omtvistade idéer som politiskt styrmedel. In In Skör demokrati: Det öppna samhällets motkrafter i svensk offentlig debatt, kultur och forskning, eds. S. Widmalm & T. Persson. Lidingö: Fri tanke. |
2022 | Mats Hyvönen. (A)sociala medier på det (o)kollegiala universitetets allmänningar. In Skör demokrati: Det öppna samhällets motkrafter i svensk offentlig debatt, kultur och forskning, eds. S. Widmalm & T. Persson. Lidingö: Fri tanke. |
2022 | Sharon Rider. Autonomy for Whom? Governance of What? The Rationality of Academic Freedom. In Academic Freedom in the European Context, eds. I. De Gennaro, H. Hofmeister & R. Lüfter. Cham: Palgrave Critical University Studies. |
2022 | Michael A. Peters, Sharon Rider et al. On the Public Pedagogy of Conspiracy: An EPAT Collective Project. Educational Philosophy and Theory, January. |
2022 | Sharon Rider. Medice, Cura te Ipsum: On Hyperbole, Hubris and Hypocrisy in Public Discourse, Educational Philosophy and Theory, January 2022. |
2022 | Maria Karlsson, Eva Heggestad & Anna Williams. (2022). En skev historia – från uppslag till begreppsutveckling. Tidskrift för Litteraturvetenskap, vol 51:3–4. |
2021 | Sharon Rider. The Corrosion of Academic Character. In The Promise of the University. Debating Higher Education: Philosophical Perspectives, vol 10, ed. Á. Mahon. Singapore: Springer. |
2021 | Don Kulick. When Animals Talk Back. Anthropology Now. |
2021 | Gustav Ängeby & Aske Stick. Review of Jeppe Mulich, In a Sea of Empires: Networks and Crossings in the Revolutionary Caribbean (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2020). 216 pp. 1700-tal: Nordic Journal for Eighteenth-Century Studies, vol. 18. |
2021 | Sharon Rider. Fitting and Fudging: On the Folly of Trying to Define Post-Truth, in Analyse und Kritik, Vol. 43, Issue 2. |
2021 | Macario Lacbawan. Review of Mountains of Blame: Climate and Culpability in the Philippine Uplands by W. Smith. Asian Ethnology (80)2: 454-454. |
2021 | Mats Hyvönen. Review of The Epistemology of Deceit in a Postdigital Era: Dupery by Design, edited by Alison MacKenzie, Jennifer Rose, and Ibrar Bhatt. Postdigital Science and Education. |
2021 | Chris Meyns. Information Visualization in the Philosophical Transactions. In Information and the History of Philosophy, ed. C. Meyns. Routledge. |
2021 | Don Kulick. Review of Ethnopornography: sexuality, colonialism and archival knowledge, edited by Pete Sigal, Zeb Tortorici, and Neil L. Whitehead. Journal of Anthropological Research Vol 77 (2): 283-286; |
2021 | Sharon Rider. OK boomer! On the need for better memes about the public sphere, Educational Philosophy and Theory, December 2021. |
2021 | Sharon Rider. Higher Education: Learning How to Pay Attention. In The University Becoming. Perspectives from Philosophy and Social Theory, eds. S.E. Bengtsen, S. Robinson and W. Shumar. Singapore: Springer. |
2021 | Introduction (50 pp.) to Selma Lagerlöf, Körkarlen [Thy Soul Shall Bear Witness] [1912], eds. Jenny Bergenmar, Maria Karlsson and Petra Söderlund. Stockholm: Svenska Vitterhetssamfundet. |
2020 | Don Kulick. On the vicissitudes of publishing, and on the riskiness of humor. Hau: Journal of Anthropological Theory, Vol 10 (2): 664-669; |
2020 | Chris Meyns. Philosophy as Work. In: Philosophy by Women: 22 Philosophers Reflect on Philosophy and Its Value, edited by Elly Vintiadis. |
2020 | Don Kulick. Engaging anthropology: a review of Kenyan, Christian, Queer: religion, LGBT activism and arts of resistance in Africa, Adriaan van Klinken. Hau: Journal of Anthropological Theory, Vol 10 (2): 630-632; |
2020 | Sharon Rider. Högre utbildning som träning i uppmärksamhet. In En plats för tänkande: Essäer om universitetet och filosofin, edited by A. Burman, M. Sá Cavalcante Schuback & S. Myrebøe. Södertörn Philosophical Studies 27. |
2020 | Sverker Finnström. I mangoträdets skugga: om antropologi och det oavslutade fältarbetet. Antroperspektiv: deltagande observationer i Sverige och omvärlden. Sveriges Antropologförbunds (SANT) officiella blogg. March 11, 2020. |
2020 | Vida Sundseth Brenna. Epidemisk Lengsel: Hjemve i norske leprasykehus på 1860-tallet. Idéhistorisk tidsskrift, nr. 4. |
2020 | Mats Hyvönen. Granskning av digitala krigshärdar [Review of P. Pomerantsev, Det här är inte propaganda – Kriget om sanningen]. Tidskriften Respons, 6/2020. |
2020 | Sharon Rider, Michael A. Peters, Mats Hyvönen & Tina Besley. Welcome to the World Class University: Introduction. In World Class Universities: A Contested Concept, eds. S. Rider. M. A. Peters, M. Hyvönen & T. Besley. Singapore: Springer. |
2020 | Sharon Rider. Three Notions of the Global. In World Class Universities: A Contested Concept, eds. S. Rider. M. A. Peters, M. Hyvönen & T. Besley. Singapore: Springer. |
2020 | Mats Hyvönen. World Class at all Costs. In World Class Universities: A Contested Concept, eds. S. Rider. M. A. Peters, M. Hyvönen & T. Besley. Singapore: Springer. |
2020 | Mahmoud Keshavarz. Vulnerable Critical Makings: Migrant Smuggling by Boats and Border Transgression. In Design and Political Dissent: Spaces, Visuals, Materialities, edited by J. Traganou. London: Routledge. |
2020 | Sverker Finnström. Brokers and breakers of war stories in Acholiland, northern Uganda. Anthropology and Humanism, 45(1). |
2020 | Sharon Rider. Certainty, uncertainty and trust. Notes on The Plague. PESA Agora, June 2020. |
2020 | Sharon Rider. China–US relations: Apologies to Thucydides. Educational Philosophy and Theory, 10 August 2020. DOI: 10.1080/00131857.2020.1799739. |
2020 | E. Björgvinsson & M. Keshavarz. Partitioning Vulnerabilities: On the Paradoxes of Participatory Design in the City of Malmö. In Vulnerability in Scandinavian Art and Culture, eds. Adriana Margareta Dancus, M. Hyvönen & Maria Karlsson. London: Palgrave Macmillan. |
2020 | Mats Hyvönen, Maria Karlsson & Madeleine Eriksson. The Politics of True Crime: Vulnerability and Documentaries on Murder in Swedish Public Service Radio’s P3 Documentary. In Vulnerability in Scandinavian Art and Culture, eds. Adriana Margareta Dancus, M. Hyvönen & Maria Karlsson. London: Palgrave Macmillan. |
2020 | Adriana Margareta Dancus, M. Hyvönen & Maria Karlsson. Mobilizing Vulnerability in Scandinavian Art and Culture. In Vulnerability in Scandinavian Art and Culture, eds. Adriana Margareta Dancus, M. Hyvönen & Maria Karlsson. London: Palgrave Macmillan. |
2020 | Mahmoud Keshavarz. Reconfiguring the Border. Avery Shorts. Columbia Books on Architecture and the City. |
2020 | Mats Hyvönen & Michael Gustavsson. Periferin i centrum. Om behovet av nya perspektiv på landsbygden. In Utsatt eller insatt. Plats, kunskap & kultur, eds. M. Gustavsson & M. Hyvönen. Engaging Vulnerability & Kulturreservatets Folkhögskola. |
2020 | Erik Hallstensson. Folkbildning och periferiernas tankehorisonter. In Utsatt eller insatt. Plats, kunskap & kultur, eds. M. Gustavsson & M. Hyvönen. Engaging Vulnerability & Kulturreservatets Folkhögskola. |
2020 | Sharon Rider. Perifera tankar om plats och tradition. In Utsatt eller insatt. Plats, kunskap & kultur, eds. M. Gustavsson & M. Hyvönen. Engaging Vulnerability & Kulturreservatets Folkhögskola. |
2020 | Mahmoud Keshavarz. Citizenship. In Designing in Dark Times: An Arendtian Lexicon, edited by C. Dilnot, V. Tassinari & E. Staszowski. London: Bloomsbury. |
2020 | Sharon Rider. Disenchantment and the Meaning of Science. Postdigital Science and Education. DOI: |
2020 | Mats Hyvönen. Lättare att reformera publiken än journalistiken [Review of S. Dopping & S-B Ljunggren, Inte lögn, inte sant – Medierna och verkligheten]. Tidskriften Respons, 3/2020. |
2019 | Don Kulick. Vulnerable erotic subjects. Sexualities. DOI: 10.1177/1363460719861817 |
2019 | Leyla Belle Drake & Amin Parsa. När det universella exkluderar. Glänta, 3-4, 2019. |
2019 | Sharon Rider. Modal Power, Self-Conscious Science, and the Critique of Epistemic Paternalism, or How to Change your Mind: An Interview with Steve Fuller. Disputatio. Philosophical Research Bulletin, 8(11). |
2019 | Mahmoud Keshavarz & Amin Parsa. Targeted by Persuasion: Military Uniform and the Legal Matter of Killing in War. Law Text Culture. Vol 23. |
2019 | Kasper Kristensen. Ruotsalaisessa korkeakoulupolitiikassa kuohuu: Laaja selvitys korkeakoulujen ohjaamisesta ja resurssienjaosta ehdottaa radikaaleja muutoksia. Tieteessä Tapahtuu, 6, 2019. |
2019 | Sharon Rider. Cosmopolitanism Begins at Home, or Knowing One’s Place. In Martha Nussbaum: Ancient Philosophy, Civic Education and Liberal Humanism, edited by A. Burman & S. Myreböe. Södertörn Studies in Intellectual and Cultural History. |
2019 | Mahmoud Keshavarz & Christina Zetterlund. The Politics of Borders in the Emergence of Modern Swedish Craft. Journal of Modern Craft, 12(1), 13–24. |
2019 | D. Abdullah, A. Ansari, E. Canli, M. Keshavaraz, M. Kiem, P. Oliveira, L. Prado & T. Schultz. A Manifesto for Decolonising Design. Journal for Future Studies, 23(3), 129–132. |
2019 | Mahmoud Keshavarz. Sketch for a Theory of Design Politics. In Para-Platforms: On the Spatial Politics of the Right-Wing Populism, edited by M. Meissen & Z. Ritts. Berlin: Sternberg Press. |
2019 | Don Kulick. The shames of men. Longreads, June. |
2019 | Don Kulick. Foreword to special issue on “Transgender and Language”, edited by E. di Martino & L. von Flotow. International Journal of the Sociology of Language, 256, 1–3. |
2019 | Sharon Rider. Unsettling Ideas and the Power of Style. Working Papers in Philosophy, Registers of Philosophy, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, 2019:2. |
2019 | Sharon Rider. How Global Thinking Works. Island Magazine, vol. 157, June 2019. |
2019 | Sharon Rider. Review of J. Östling et al. (eds.) (2018), Circulation of Knowledge. In Historisk tidskrift, 2019:2. |
2018 | Leyla Belle Drake. Sublime place, subaltern space: Railroad workers and female cooks on the Subarctic Railroad 1898–1902. Lychnos: Annual for History of Ideas and Science, 2018. |
2018 | Karl Ekeman. On Gramscianism of the Right. Critique & Praxis, Columbia Center for Contemporary Critical Thought. |
2018 | Sverker Finnström. Review of Holly Porter (2017) After Rape: Violence, Justice, and Social Harmony in Uganda. African Studies Quarterly, 17(4), 138–139. |
2018 | Mats Hyvönen. As a Matter of Fact: Journalism and Scholarship in the Post-truth Era. In Post-Truth, Fake News: Viral Modernity & Higher Education, edited by M. Peters, S. Rider, M. Hyvönen & T. Besley. Singapore: Springer, 121–132. |
2018 | Mats Hyvönen. Review of Derek R. Ford (2018) Politics and Pedagogy in the “Post-Truth” Era: Insurgent Philosophy and Praxis. Postdigital Science and Education, 1(1), 265–269. |
2018 | Mahmoud Keshavarz & Eric Snodgrass. Orientations of Europe: Boats, the Mediterranean Sea and the Materialities of Contemporary Mobility Regimes. Borderlands e-Journal, 17(2), 1–27. |
2018 | Mahmoud Keshavarz. The Violence of Humanitarian Design. In Design Philosophy Reader, edited by A-M. Willis. London: Bloomsbury, 120–127. |
2018 | Mahmoud Keshavarz. Undesigning Borders: Urban Spaces of Borders and Counter-Practices of Looking. In Undesign: Critical Perspectives in the Intersection of Art and Design, edited by G. Coombs, G. Sade & A. Mcnamara. London: Routledge, 161–174. |
2018 | Mahmoud Keshavarz. Designers and Brokers of the Mobility Regime. In Tricky Design: The Ethics of Things, edited by T. Fisher & L. Gamman. London: Bloomsbury. pp. 45-58. |
2018 | D. Abdullah, A. Ansari, E. Cani, M. Keshavarz, M. Kiem, P. Oliveira, L. Prado & T. Schultz. What is at Stake with Decolonizing Design? A Roundtable. Design and Culture, 10(1), 81–101. |
2018 | Kasper Kristensen. Tohtorikoulutettavat ja kollegiaalinen päätöksenteko: kokemuksia Uppsalasta (Doctoral Students and the Collegial Decision-Making – Experiences from Uppsala). Akatemian jalkaväki, 8/2018. |
2018 | Don Kulick. New introduction to reprint of the article “The gender of Brazilian transgendered prostitutes”. In Transgender Sex Work and Society, edited by L. Nuttbrock. New York: Harrington Park Press, 236–240. |
2018 | Mirko Pasquini et al. Tra fiducia e sovraffollamento: il Triage di Pronto Soccorso” (Between trust and overcrowding: the triage assessment of the emergency room). Panorama della Sanità, 2/2018. |
2018 | Sharon Rider. The day after: education in the postmodernist fallout. Educational Philosophy and Theory, 50(14), 1316–1317. |
2018 | Sharon Rider. Review of S. Fuller (2018), Post-Truth: Knowledge as a Power Game. Postdigital Science and Education, 1(1), 256–264. |
2018 | Sharon Rider. On Knowing How to Tell the Truth. In Post-truth, Fake News: Viral Modernity and Higher Education, edited by M. Peters, S. Rider, M. Hyvönen & T. Besley. Singapore: Springer. |
2018 | Sharon Rider. Truth, Democracy and the Mission of the University. In The Thinking University: A Philosophical Examination of Thought and Higher Education, edited by R. Barnett & S. S.E. Bengtsen. Cham: Springer. |
2018 | Sharon Rider. Striden om framtiden. Liberalism och universitet som sanningsinstitution. In Rum för eftertanke. En antologi om at utmana det invanda, edited by M. Lindman & J. Ahlskog. Folkets Bildningsförbund. |
2018 | Maria Karlsson. Efterord. In Selma Lagerlöf's Bannlyst. Sunne: Mårbacka förlag. |
2017 | Karl Ekeman. Solecism or Barbarism (Part 1 and Part 2): The Swedish Nationalist Milieu and a Cultural Struggle from the Right. Public Seminar, September. |
2017 | Mats Hyvönen, Pelle Snickars & Per Vesterlund. The Formation of Swedish Media Studies, 1960–1980. Media History, 24(1), 86–98. |
2017 | Mats Hyvönen. Rankningar och medialiseringen av universitetet. In Kunskap, motstånd, möjlighet, edited by U. Serrander & P. Thalén. Farsta: Molin & Sorgenfrei. |
2017 | Michael Gustavsson & Mats Hyvönen. Periferin i centrum (with Michael Gustavsson) . In Ikaros, 2017:2. |
2017 | Maria Karlsson & Måns Wrange. The Sacrosanct Art: On Art and Religion, the Rise of Populism and the Changing Media Landscape. PARSE Journal, 2017/6. |
2017 | Alexandra Borg, Andreas Hedberg, Maria Karlsson, Jerry Määttä & Åsa Warnqvist (eds.) Konstellationer. Festskrift till Anna Williams. Möklinta: Gidlunds förlag. |
2017 | Maria Karlsson. Den sårbara brevskrivaren och det förlorade och återvunna Mårbacka. In Konstellationer. Festskrift till Anna Williams, edited by A. Borg et al. Möklinta: Gidlunds förlag. |
2017 | D. Abdullah, A. Ansari, E. Cani, M. Keshavarz, M. Kiem, P. Oliveira, L. Prado & T. Schultz. On Design and Activism. Modes of Criticism, Issue 3, November 2017. |
2017 | Kasper Kristensen. Poliittiset myytit ja demokratian halu (Political Myths and the Desire for Democracy). Politiikasta, 10/2017. |
2017 | Don Kulick. Human-animal communication. Annual Review of Anthropology, 46: 357–378. |
2017 | Don Kulick. Animal communicators. In Making Sense of Language: readings in culture and communication, Third Edition, edited by S. D. Blum. Oxford: Oxford Univ. Press, 289–297. |
2017 | Don Kulick. Is it monologic? Is it dialogic? Does it matter? In The Monological Imagination, edited by Matt Tomlinson & Julian Millie. Oxford: Oxford Univ. Press, 81-88. |
2017 | Don Kulick. Jouir comme des bêtes. Terrain, 67, 110–127, special issue on “Orgasm”. |
2017 | Sharon Rider. Human Freedom and the Philosophical Attitude. In The Dilemma of Western Philosophy, edited by M. Peters & C. Mika. London: Routledge. |
2017 | Sharon Rider. Little Mister Satisfaction: Ortega y Gasset’s Challenge to European Man. In Can a Person Be Illegal? Refugees, migrants and citizenship in Europe, edited by A. Stagnell, L. S. Thorkildsen & M. Rosengren. Uppsala: Studia Rhetorica Uppsaliensis, 128–136. |
2017 | Mats Rosengren. On academic responsibility, chaos and borders. In Can a Person Be Illegal? Refugees, migrants and citizenship in Europe, edited by A. Stagnell, L. S. Thorkildsen & M. Rosengren. Uppsala: Studia Rhetorica Uppsaliensis, 128–136. |
2017 | Sharon Rider. Reply to Editorial “Education in a Post-Truth World”. Educational Philosophy and Theory, 22 February, 2017. |
2017 | Sharon Rider. Coercion by Necessity or Comprehensive Responsibility? Hannah Arendt on Vulnerability, Freedom and Education. In Phenomenology and the Primacy of the Political. Essays in Honor of Jacques Taminiaux, edited by V. Fóti & P. Kontos. Cham: Springer, 155–174. |
2017 | Sharon Rider. Language and Mathematical Formation. In A Companion to Wittgenstein on Education: Pedagogical Investigations, edited by M. A. Peters & J. Stickney. Singapore: Springer, 503–517. |
2017 | Sharon Rider & Alexandra Waluszewski. Universitet i omdaning: Från vetenskapsideal till marknadsmodell. In Universtitet AB, edited by M. Agnafors. Gothenburg: Daidalos. |
2017 | Sharon Rider. Konstnären och konstnäringen. Kulturkamp som borgerlig bildning? In Samtider. Perspektiv på 2000-talets idéhistoria, edited by A. Burman & L. Lennerhed. Gothenburg: Daidalos. |
2017 | Sharon Rider. Samtida betraktelser om faktaresistens, postsanningseran och filosofins uppgift. In Från Skaradjäkne till Uppsalaprofessor: Festskrift till Lars-Göran Johansson, edited by G. Masterton, K. Matsubara & K. Solin, Uppsala Studies in Philosophy. |
2016 | Sverker Finnström. O Anthropology, Where Art Thou? An auto-ethnography of proposals. In The anthropologist as writer: Genres and contexts in the 21st century, edited by H. Wulff. Oxford & New York: Berghahn, 46–59. |
2016 | Sverker Finnström. Review of Sarah M. H. Nouwen (2013) Complementarity in the Line of Fire: The Catalysing Effect of the International Criminal Court in Uganda and Sudan. African Studies Quarterly, 16(2), 124–125. |
2016 | Sverker Finnström. Lord’s Resistance Army No More. Review of Evelyn Amony (2015) I am Evelyn Amony: Reclaiming My Life from the Lord’s Resistance Army. Warscapes Magazine, May 12. |
2016 | Mats Hyvönen. Rankings and Mediatization of University. In Encyclopedia of Educational Philosophy and Theory, edited by M. A. Peters. Singapore: Springer. |
2016 | Mats Hyvönen. Marknaden kan inte längre finansiera seriös journalistik. In Respons, 2016/6. |
2016 | Mats Hyvönen. Tillväxthögskolan: ett ideologiskt projekt. In Ikaros, 2016/1. |
2016 | Jenny Bergenmar & Maria Karlsson. Evidence of Reading? The Swedish Public’s Letters to Selma Lagerlöf and Quantitative and Qualitative Approaches to the History of Reading. In Plotting the Reading Experience. Theory, Practise, Politics, edited by L. McKechnie, P. Rothbauer, K. Oterholm & K. I. Skjerdingstad, 73–85. |
2016 | Maria Karlsson. Biografiska legender från Bowie till Lagerlöf. Fans, läsare och författare i Fiktion och verklighet. In Fiktion och verklighet, edited by A. Bohlin och L. Goemzöe. Stockholm: Makadam, 45–71. |
2016 | Kasper Kristensen. “What Can an Affect Do?” Notes on the Spinozist-Deleuzean Account. LIR-Journal, 1/2016. |
2016 | Sharon Rider. Science and Speed Addiction: The Scholar’s Vocation in the Age of Efficiency. Nordic Journal of Studies in Educational Policy. |
2016 | Sharon Rider. Att se allt sanningssägande som politiskt ställningstagande undergräver demokratin. Tidskriften Respons, 6/2016. |
2016 | Sharon Rider. Humboldt håller ännu. Review of Johan Östling (2016) Humboldts universitet. Bildning och vetenskap i det moderna Tysklands historia. Axess, 9/2016. |
2016 | Sharon Rider. Introduction. Tidskrift för politisk filosofi, 2016/3. Special issue on “Education and Democracy in the Knowledge Society”, edited by S. Rider & J. Boberg. |
2016 | Sharon Rider. Oss filosofer emellan. Filosofisk tidskrift, 3/2016. |
2016 | Sharon Rider. Misstroendets Pris. Tidskriften Respons, 2/2016. |
2016 | Sharon Rider. Marknadstänkande präglar högre utbildning. Tidskriften Respons, 2/2016. |
2016 | Sharon Rider. Matematik som bildningsämne. Vad ska en elev kunna? In Vad ska en svensk kunna? Utbildningens dilemma-intressenas spel, edited by M. Gustavsson, T. Österman & E. Hållén. Göteborg: Daidalos. |
2015 | Sverker Finnström. Comment on Media Legacies of War (by Victor MF Igreja). Current Anthropology. Vol 56, no 5, pp 691-692. DOI: 10.1086/683107. |
2015 | Sharon Rider & Alexandra Waluszewski. Crowding Out Knowledge. In Global Financial Crisis and the Restructuring of Education. Ed. Michael Peters et al, Global Studies in Education, Vol 31. Peter Lang. |
2015 | Sharon Rider. Critical Theory as Meta-Theory of Education. In Encyclopedia of Educational Philosophy and Theory, Ed. Michael A. Peters. Singapore: Springer. |
2015 | Sharon Rider. Strejkvarsel i den vetenskapliga fabriken: Om konstens och humanioras uppgift. Ikaros. Tidskrift om människan och vetenskapen, 3/15. |
2015 | Sharon Rider. Den lönsamma humanioran. Briefing Paper, Timbro, September 2015. |
2015 | Sverker Finnström. War stories and troubled peace: Revisiting some secrets of northern Uganda. Current Anthropology. Vol 56, no S12, 222–230. |
2015 | Sverker Finnström & Carolyn Nordstrom. War: Anthropological Aspects, Historical Development of. In International Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2nd edition, vol 25. Editor-in-chief J. D. Wright. Oxford: Elsevier, 377–338. |
2015 | Don Kulick. When Privacy and Secrecy Collapse into One Another, Bad Things Can Happen. Current Anthropology Volume 56, Supplement 12, S241–50. |
2015 | Don Kulick. The problem of speaking for others redux: insistence on disclosure and the ethics of engagement. Knowledge Cultures, 3(6):14–33. |