Engaging Vulnerability Research Seminar

Uppsala University
Schedule, Spring 202

Time: Thursdays at 10.15-12.00
Venue: Campus Engelska parken, room ENG 4-0019.
The seminars are conducted in English.
For more information and readings, contact mats.hyvonen@antro.uu.se
Links to previous seminar series are found here: https://www.engagingvulnerability.se/previous-seminar-series/

Thursday January 25, at 14.15–15.30, Humanistiska teatern

After Covid: Signposts and Moral Imperatives

Lenore Manderson, Distinguished Professor of Public Health and Medical Anthropology, will hold the 2024 Honorary Doctorate lecture at the Faculty of
History and Philosophy, Uppsala University.

Time: 14.15–15.30
Venue: Humanistiska teatern

Thursday February 15, at 10.15–12, room 4-0019 (the EV seminar room), English Park Campus

Theme: Mediocrity, 1st seminar: “Quiet quitting and laying flat”


If you have the time and interest:

Thursday March 7, at 10.15-12, room 4-0019

Theme: Mediocrity, 2nd seminar: “The Good-Enough Life as the Worst of Both Worlds?”


Thursday March 21, at 10.15–12, room 4-0019 (the EV seminar room), English Park Campus

Lauri Snellman: Emancipation vs Securitization – the Case of Pacifism

Lauri Snellman

Securitization presents a problem for emancipatory political world-views. This PowerPoint presentation examines how securitization rhetoric leads to a security-oriented ethic that is at odds with political orders that are based on human dignity. The presentation presents pacifism as the polar opposite to securitization. I then examine, how peace movements and nonviolent campaigns succeed by desecuritization and conversely a securitarian mind-set excludes or misinterprets pacifism by default. I use the Israel-Palestine conflict as an example of the opposition of peace-building and securitization.

Tuesday April 23, at 13.15-15, room 22-1009

Meryem Saadi presents a chapter from her ongoing dissertation project.

Monday May 13, at 10.15–12, on Zoom

Final review of Shen Qings’ dissertation manuscript. Professor Harriet Evans, University of Westminster and London School of Economics and Political Science, will be the external examiner.

Tuesday June 4, at 14.15-16, room 2-1024

Final review of Ida Grönroos’ dissertation manuscript. Professor Samuel Edquist, Mid Sweden University, will be the external examiner.

English Park Campus - Centre for the humanities: http://www.engelskaparken.uu.se/?languageId=1